Why dockerd consume high cpu usage

zhi tao
3 min readSep 11, 2023


In our project, my co-worker told me that the dockerd process consume very high cpu usage, it can be 90% or more sometimes. It causes the machine slow and can not process our business well. We need to find out why the dockerd consume so much cpu, and how to optimize it.


We can take a full picture of our machine by htop.It’s colorful top command with much more option.

As you can tell from the image above, the docker daemon process takes 77% cpu. It’s the highest cpu usage.


But why, what the process doing to take so much cpu. We can using perf command to analysis the status of the machine in realtime. The command below will show the cpu usage of the pid in realtime.

perf top -g -p pid

It will change very quickly since it’s the realtime status. We can record the data by perf record -p pid, it will create perf.data file in the current dir, and then using perf report to analysis the data.

perf record -p pid

perf report
  • Children represents the all subcalls cpu usage in total
  • self represents the process itself cpu usage
  • Shared Object the function or process which using cpu
  • Symbol show the function name or symbol, [k] means in kernel space, [.] means in user space.

Besides, we get the pid detail info using pidstat.

pidstat -u -d -p pid

As we can tell from perf output, the dockerd process is busy in file processing, and we got the github issue after google. We may guess our container is busy and create lots of logs, and the dockerd is busying in processing the json-log


According what we observe, and the issue we found, we try to set the max-files and max-size in a reasonable size.

"data-root": "/data/docker",
"insecure-registries": [
"live-restore": true,
"log-driver": "json-file",
"log-opts": {
"max-size": "2m",
"max-file": "1"

Update the /etc/docker/daemon.json file with the reasonable log-opts config. We should restart the dockerd process by

systemctl restart docker

to make it works.

After we do above steps, we using htop to monitor the machine again for while, the dockerd process will at most using 40% cpu in a moment.


We learns how we found the issue, dig into it to find why, and last tackle it by the reason.

Linux performance is a huge topic, we can meet any conditions we don’t have met before, we should learn how to use the command or any other way to help us to location our issues quickly.

That’s all. Thanks for reading it.

If anything wrong here, please let me know.



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